So... I had been thinking about writing another yandere harem fanfic involving a crossover between Tokyo Revengers and Genshin Impact.
It's going to be a reverse harem x reader / various x reader thingy so... Yeah.
So... I had been thinking about writing another yandere harem fanfic involving a crossover between Tokyo Revengers and Genshin Impact.
It's going to be a reverse harem x reader / various x reader thingy so... Yeah.
Today's a good day!! So I'm gonna write another Genshin Yandere fic where everything starts in Mondstadt—and basically ends in Mondstadt.
It will be out in a few more hours because I still have to think about the prologue and first chapter; so I need a lot of time to think :(. Especially, when my damned motivation usually comes randomly.
Hmmm. De repente me dieron ganas de escribir algo en español relacionado con los personajes de Genshin Impact como Yanderes. Básicamente,, serán headcanons,, me gusta lo turbio ok. Ya me he leído algunos (en inglés) y me dejaron inestable (emocionalmente). Los escriben tan detalladamente bien que me da rabia. Y onda,, yo también quiero.
If I'm going to write a "Genshin Impact Harem" series, my Y/N is going to be a female, with white hair and fairly pale skin. Since is how I personally perceive and imagine her.