
I wrote the last chapter to my story and I'm so sad. I feel like a raised a kid and let it go, I've worked on it for 2 1/2 years now. Thank you all for the support and love. I love you all so so much 


so sorry I haven't updated my satirizes in forever ;( I have bad writers block but I'm trying so hard to get these done. AND GUYS MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW AND IM SO SO SO HAPPY :)))) anywho love you all gn 
          also is you have a musically follow me? @ adrxana__ (2 underscores) 


okay so there's been some real irrelevant comments and I know that I should just ignore them but I work too damn hard to be judged and being told what to do with my book and when you start a comment and saying "not to be rude" DOESNT MAKE IT NICE ITS AS RUDE AS IT WAS BEFORE YOU SAID THAT. okay so please to all the people commenting that HOP OFF. and if you don't like my story that is fine with me but I don't need your damn opinion. the fact that some people don't even know how hard it is to write a story and keep it interesting and they have the nerve to judge the stories that have writers that work so hard makes me so mad. 
          sorry for this rant I just needed to vent real quick before I went to bed