I want you to smile . I want you to be happy . And most importantly , I don't want you to give up . If you could have seen under a microscope how much value you had , I'd most probably give it to you right now cause your worth wasn't placed in the hands of people , their opinions mean nothing . You beautiful . You loved . And you matter . Don't take this as something I'm saying , take this as something that God would say . ❤️ He just placed those words in my heart so that I can encourage you and i chose to obey His Word . You amazing my love ❤️ Take care of yourself , don't let anyone bring darkness to such a beautiful soul . ❤️

@GodlyPosts melly my love youre gonna make me cry. Coming home to this just made my full week especially since I’ve had an awful morning . This means more than you’ll ever know. I appreciate it and most importantly i appreciate you. I love youuu so grateful to have met an angel like you . Thank you thank you thank you <33