
          	July is a great month for road trips! What's the best travel book or travel memoir you’ve read, and what made it so memorable?
          	We would love to hear your answers in the comments below!


          June 30th was International Asteroid Day! For those fascinated by space or who have witnessed a meteor shower, what is your most memorable experience with asteroids or meteorites?
          We would love to hear your stories, so share them with us in the comments below!


@nonfiction Actually it was not an asteroid or meteorite but a comet. Haley's Comet to be exact. I had a first grade picture in 1986 of that. That's the memory... it was a class field trip.


Hello Writers!
          Just 32 days until the Ambys 2024 are open for submissions, but here you can already see a little sneak peak of this year's Ambys >
          We hope you are getting those stories ready. On that note, we want to share some tidbits with you:
          → The Ambys are open until 31st August this year. So, there's plenty of time to polish and submit your bee-mazing entries.
          → As always, we will be accepting all fandoms for fanfiction. 
          → The number of followers you have or the number of reads your story has will have no impact on your chances of winning an Amby Award — go for it!
          → Tip: Your story description is important. It's the first bit any reader will look for to see if your story sounds interesting:
          → We have the @ImproveYourWriting profile with some useful tips. Do check it out, especially their guides on better writing and literary devices.
          → Detailed guidelines will be posted on the 19th of July and the submission form will open on the 1st of August 2024.
          → Add the book to your library to ensure you don't miss any updates.
          → Question: Are you ready? Let us know in the comments if you plan on submitting a story and how far it is from being complete and ready. Please don't share any story links, those will be removed.
          Happy Writing and Editing!


          June 18th was International Picnic Day! For those who have cherished moments with family or friends during a picnic, what is your most memorable picnic experience?
          We would love to hear your stories, so share them with us in the comments below!


@nonfiction I can only verify that this family reunion happened throught a picture. I was probably 3 yrs old and my parents had a barbeque/picnic with my late paternal relatives. In the picture, it must have been in Rio Vsta or San Francisco, but either way it was all done in California. My aunt and uncle have now passed away, my older cousin died of a heart attack and my other cousins have moved away.
            We barely have family reunions anymore since either relatives passed away or they live so far away. But all you can do is cherish the memories!


@nonfiction Funny thing, I'm writing a little picnic scene right now. Um, I guess, when I was little, my family would go to a lake with my grandpa, and we'd sit at the picnic tables and eat and talk and go jump in the lake and back again, and it was just a lot of fun. :)


          What do you enjoy most about our non-fiction profile, and what could make your reading experience even better?
          We would love to hear your answers in the comments below!


@nonfiction my take on #QuestionOfTheWeek -- how could you make this improved upon work more with those who have visuals ready to go and want to send them along; ie draw from lesser known sources for #WattPadLongreads


          The second Saturday in June was International Young Eagle Day! For those who have witnessed a flight of young eagles or have a passion for aviation, what is the most memorable moment of flying through the skies? 
          Share your stories in the comments below and let’s celebrate the joy of flying together!


Hello Wattpaders,
          Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 

          Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          The Ambassadors


          We are revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will be closing our story submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in al the Non-Fiction genre has to offer here on Wattpad, and showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          The Non-Fiction Team