
Why are people still following me, I'm so inactive hah


Hey! So I just wanted to say that on my computer and phone it said you updated venturiantale oneshots, but it only still has six parts... Do you know what that means?


@Wafflelover102 Aha, yeah, I'm finishing up another chapter. Don't expect something too extravagant, though haha


Ah shoot Rae, its been a while (lol i doubt you remember me but ages ago I was Melzie_2312 or something like that)


@Deathhasnothingonus woah, I'm good aha, what about you?


@Deathhasnothingonus Woah, hey! I remember you, haha. How are you?


If anyone reads this and has read any of my (crappy) stories, please do DM me areas that I can improve on. I've decided to start a new account for it. I already know a few things I can work on, so you can emphasise on it if you want.
          1) Proof reading for errors. Tenses, spelling and  sentence structures.
          2) Realism of the characters' reactions. No rash and dumb responses. E.g. Letting a complete stranger stay in their house and kissing them on the first day.
          3) Maturity of dialogues and monologues. Characters act their age and not attempt to be 'quirky' all the time.
          4) Longer chapters and less paragraphing. Dropping the habit of paragraphing more to try make the story look longer.
          You can also mention things that I should continue doing


@raeraeisawesome At this point I feel like number two was an indirect at me


Contemplating deleting my account. It's extremely embarrassing and my stories are shitty. If I do, I'll make another that consists of word vomit and fanfiction of other groups. Thoughts?


@raeraeisawesome it makes sense bro, i guess you could just make a different account and leave this one as a symbolic reminiscent of sorts to your 12 year old self 


@legitimate_feces Yeah, but despite my fanfics being shitty and cringeworthy, I don't want to delete it. The account holds a lot of memories, good or bad. I've met some pretty cool people, and I was actually proud of what some of these stories have achieved. I want to give respect to my past self, you know? This account is barely mine anymore because I'm a completely different person. It was 12 year old Rae's and maybe it's best I leave it that way. That probably didn't make much sense, but I think it would have meant a great deal to me back then.


@raeraeisawesome you can even change your @ if you want 


Hey Rae love your books! But um for Goodbye......I WANNA STRANGLE JORDS!! HE GONE CRAY CRAY! *clares throat* Well um now that that's outta my system....Do you like Isaac? Cuz in your bio it has Isaac Frye and I was just wondering! :)


@The_Goomba_Feels Yas I do :3  and thanks for reading my books! it means a lot