Dead? Alive? Forgotten? Where has Marie gone? Noone_knows. The books on this shelf will forever continue to collect dust. Questions forever unanswered. Stories forever unfinished. The time to accept abandonment has arrived. Marie isnt returning and the stories will forever remain in a untimely pause. Never updated. Never continued. Never completed. This is where our stories end. And for you readers trapped in the pages of these books let go of your hopes of updates. You wont receive any. For most of us i believe there are new stories and updates, waiting for us on the other side but for some of you the darkest pits of wattpad have opened to swallow you whole. So dont keep those books waiting dear friends.
Marie is you see this, i was not expecting your return but it is your nature to write perfect stories.I
Im sorry that on that last chapter
The chapter you last wrote
I was not there to tell you how i felt
But then what happened to you?
I knew it wasnt like you to disappear.
Not may favourite author.
I couldnt tell you then. So let me tell you now.
Its time to return your unfinished books to the shelf.
If you want to return to your writing.
The choice is yours.
So thank you.
From all of us.