
Oh look....Mystique *Cough* @OfBlueTears *Cough*


          Ok this is a little rant,because like someone called Steve like my version a fake,I mean I know ok it was probably their character portrayal but I'm still pissed
          So @NotFreedom the thing is even though he is the clone of Steve Rogers he's the same...and he's different he's...he's his own person and you know this applies to any Steve anons that you all portray him differently and to call someone's version of him ‘A fake’ you can't do that because I can guarantee I Goddamn guarantee that Peggy gave him a choice even though he was a clone hell Peggy gave them all a choice and I know that most of you would never take part in a project that could most likely kill you,but even though he is a clone....he went for it he,became Captain America,Hey even the REAL Steve Rogers became Captain America[Again if you're Captain Hydra,like I guess it kinda applies to you as well?] And they did that because...because there was a WAR going on one that technically would never have affected them because they couldn't go and fight,but they tried and that's what matters,people trying to portray these characters correctly and accurately and sure okay @NotFreedom I haven't gotten stuck into that role yet okay and that's why the portrayal isn't very good.....
          I'm so sorry for bothering you all at...09:46 if you live in the U.K. However it is probably earlier in America again I'm sorry.


            Thank you.
            And it is offensive.  As you stated above in your original post, we choose to portray them how we see fit.  We inject a tiny bit of ourselves into the portrayal. It’s inevitable.  I find it tasteless when people become cold like that, stating fake or being a living lie.
            Loki’s 2012 counterpart isn’t dead.  He’s still very much alive according to the Russo’s. 
            Which is the version I portray.


            I'm sorry but you can't call someone's portrayal fake and you know what the person called mine “a living lie.” I was really offended and I'm 99% sure Loki isn't dead and I think you portray Loki beautifully!


            Rant away. I’m in the UK too. 
            Someone called my portrayal fake. And ooc, because apparently (I’m dead?!?)  despite there being countless other Loki anons she followed...