Assalamualikum warehmatullahi wabaraktuhu.. everyone.. dear authors i m in confusion state help me pls... wid authentic source From so many people i have heard dat i have to listen my mum..nd i agreed wid it..bt wat if c tells me not to do hijab properly ... like in functions nd all be like others.. so many times c told me to do threading also... nd i m stuck in between one well wisher of mine told m.. C u have to do everything after your marriage thn y nt nw.. If u do dis nw u ur mother will be happy to c u..live like ur other siblings.. nd i dun knw wat to do :'( so helpless Dat person told no religion allows to disobey ur own parents :-( Wat i m supposed to do.. Pls help me :-(

@Aisha0078 Jazak allah khair sister... to be wid m..my mom only wants me to follow " lives in roman do as romans do"

@ Aisha0078 regarding threading.. U knw everybody says be practical... in dis world..u wouldn't be able to survive :-(

@nooreenisha In your matter it’s clear too! Allah (S.W.T) told us to cover ourselves and and we should obey Allah before our parents and to cover ourselves Allah has mentioned it in the Qur’an! So we are not just covering ourselves, we are fulfilling the commandments of Allah! We can show our beauty in the ladies gatherings in case the men and women are segregated in a function...but...but let me warn you with my own experiences, if you come out to be more beautiful than the other girl, everyone will start evil eyeing you...and that’s the truth! That’s why I have learnt that even in a ladies gathering I will cover myself with a scarf and you can dress modestly according to the function but pls never give up the commandments of Allah on your mother words...just bcz she doesn’t wears it or anyone amongst your family members or relatives, doesn’t mean you will give up! I have more words to say, just wait and I will pm you more things In shaa Allah!