
Hey guys! Here's the third chapter of my book - "Blame game" . Please do give it a read and as always, criticisms are most welcome!


Hey! Just wanted to say I loved your story!!
          And if this is your first attempt at writting, then your story is really amazing!! Pls update it really soon, I would probably be the first one to read it.


@noor_ruhi that's really cool!! I mean not many of us can write so good at our first attempt, coz I remember how my first story was, total failure. You did a really good job telling readers how you feel and inspiring them because we all know there are a lots of introverts in Wattpad who need to read such stories. (Proud of ya)
            And before I go offline, do good in your finals.


@TwoThousandWorlds hey thank you! Means a lot to me. I will try to update as soon as possible. I'm a bit busy with finals coming up next week. I just woke up that morning and it just struck to me that I should write something. It was totally spontaneous, I just opened Wattpad and typed in whatever I felt like  and published it without another thought. 