
Assalamu alaikum ❤️
          	If anyone of you forgot to read last chapter "FOREVER TOGETHER"
          	Then go check it outttt!!! 



Hiiiii Beautiful People ❤️
          How are you all doing?
          "If you don't do it than who will"
          With this interesting quote I just want you to know that you can do anything you put your mind too.
          Sometimes it's hard and that's okay but come back stronger or just be proud of yourself that you come back. You know last few days I was so lazy but that's part of life one day you can be active and the next day you're lazy or just not that active. It's part of life. The important thing is you heal ✨️ from whatever you go through that maybe friendship breakup or from your boyfriend. I think it's hard to go through a breakup but but it takes time like maybe weeks, months but it gets better later on. Believe in yourself that you can do anything ✨️ and you will . You know BELIEVE is something that will help you in life so much that when you'll look back you'll say it was worth the struggle. 
          Take care ❤️
          Stay safe ✨️
          Lot's of love ❤️ 
          -make sure you eat your meals on time 
          -drink enough water
          -Take some sunlight 
          - read some novels
          - spend time doing self care
          - spend time with your loved ones  #Lifesshots 
          Love you sweetheart *gives you hug and cup of coffee/anything you love to drink*
          Bye ✨️❤️



Hii dear ❤️
          How are you?
          Thought of the day:-
          "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."-1:2
                                        ✨||It's Okay||✨
          Let me tell you one story about me like I have been trying so hard from past few days doing and stopping again doing and stopping but not focusing on something that I really want it or not? It was hard I had breakdowns, insecurities, issues and nobody to rely on. And I have to say it's okay to feel like that because somedays are just rough you just have to learn from it and pick yourself up from that. I certainly don't have many friends but I prefer quality over quantity and if you don't have one I have to say you can make friends but if you feel like not than don't do that until and unless your gut feeling says it. We're so hard on ourselves that we forget that in our past we survived Many things which were not at all easy. In end I have to say stop wasting time on people who make you feel good one day and next day they forget you because I stopped doing or feeling this as it helped me and will help you too ❤️.
          In end I have to say you're beautiful the way you are, love yourself never let someone mean comment or jealousy make you sad❤️.
          I hope you like it ❤️.
          Have a great day ❤️
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️
          Take care ❤️
          Smile bright ❤️
          Love yourself ❤️
          Have a great month ahead ❤️
          Some pins for you❤️