My story: (Until I can save it and verify my account by my email, this is where my story will be since it is unable to be saved):
Chapter 1
Bob the Unicorn was born on the day that the Earth was made and will die on the day that the Earth ends. Oh, right excuse me for not introducing myself I am Emily Smith and my Unicorn is named Bob Bobette Bobisita.No one knows about Bob, only Jordan and I. I know you guys want to get to the good stuff like how I got Bob and how I kept her a secret. (Oh ya Bob is a girl... don't judge). Well this how it happened.
A long long time ago Bob was born... in an egg. The egg was left alone all throughout Humanity. Until one day a person a.k.a. me found the egg in an old cabin. I didn't know what it was so I kept it in my room where no one will find it UNDER MY BED. I forgot about it till one day when I came home with my friend Jordan. We heard cracking nosies coming from under my bed. We looked and saw a BABY UNICORN. We named it Bob. That's how Bob came to be. But don't worry I have alot more storys to tell.