I would like to commend you on your clearly well thought out headers for your story, however, some of them befuddle me even now. The one in question is the one that depicts Spongebob, from the show named after him, surrounded in flames, with the caption that says something like When you sing the opening song to a cartoon with impeccable performance. My question is about how it seems that it has no real relevancy, or at least none that I can catch, to the main character. I understand that they are an avid fan of cartoons, however nowhere is it said that they have any sort of singing skills. While i'm on the topic of this story, I would like to question you for further information about it's main character. It's said on the page before that the strange person talking to her knows things that Stella's parents do not, and apparently this includes where she goes to school. This seems strange as how is she even in school, is the speaker wrong? I think the story could do with some more fleshing out of the character's back story.