
school is starting guys but it's funny bc I think I'll update more recently now that I won't be off at places. today's my first day of hell so pray for me. love you Xx


 @ROStarbuckS for AYILY I used pics art and phonto. I saved a photo of film strip from online and used pics art to edit in photos of raura. I did this three times to be exact. then i started a new edit for the main background pics and put those together and put the film strips on top; angling them the way I wanted. I put the white background on the side so that it would fit as the cover and placed the words raura repeatedly as side borders. any text is from Phonto, everything else is pics art. :) it's confusing and long so if you need something explained I'd be happy to.  


Can I just apologize for my behavior and comments and DMs from before I was an author because I didn't understand the struggle. Like I yelled at someone for not updating in a month when I haven't updated in a century. So freaking sorry.