@InTheEnd34 What the fûck is wrong with you?! I'm the one who told you to get off my profile after i responded to your FIRST message! So technically you're the one who keeps responding to ME!! SO LET ME TELL YOU AGAIN! GET THE FÛCK OFF MY PROFILE!!
@InTheEnd34 since when the fûck is there a setting that let's you disable the comments?! And i wouldn't have to not look at comments if you rereaders don't spoil the story!! So get your dumbass self off of my profile!
@InTheEnd34 And surely i'm not the only one who feels this way! Read the comments, almost all the new readers are getting angry at the rereaders for spoiling! So have a nice life you dûmbfûck!
@InTheEnd34 I did not say i hate rereaders! I said they're starting to piss me off; spoiling the story for to the newbies! So do us both a favor and get off my profile! Fûckface!