
          	I found a way to read old fics from winglin
          	Firstly, you need a link. You can search for winglin (yunjae) fic lists on the internet and copy the URLs
          	Then, search 'Way Back Machine'. You will see an website that allows you go open dead sites(*)
          	And that's how to read your favorite old fics again!
          	(*) not every link works... because they stored a limited number of URLs so let's pray


          I found a way to read old fics from winglin
          Firstly, you need a link. You can search for winglin (yunjae) fic lists on the internet and copy the URLs
          Then, search 'Way Back Machine'. You will see an website that allows you go open dead sites(*)
          And that's how to read your favorite old fics again!
          (*) not every link works... because they stored a limited number of URLs so let's pray