Hey Paige! :L
It's me, tapper. I really hope you see this, but I understand your busy and like myself fairly inactive :L I posted my official farewell post a few days ago, I made a Quotev account in February and I absolutely adore it over there, and the layout is a lot nicer than over here. I still check in on people over here but I don't do much myself. I just wanted to say thank you for being probably my best friend on here, back when you were trinity and Kiam was a thing, haha! I'll always remember you and cherish our time together, and I hope if you see this you can respond or something and maybe I can follow you on Twitter/ Instagram or something? I dunno, but I love you lots Paige, and I hope you're future is super bright and if you ever wish to illuminate people's lives with your beautiful writing again online, I'd be delighted to read it and help you out anyway I can.
Your old friend Tapper Xx