
fin-a-freaking-ly. the end of 2020 (aka the longest year ever). knock on wood that next year won't be anywhere near as hellish as this year. best wishes for everyone on this site~ i appreciate you all greatly❤


today i lost a classmate in a car crash. i don't know how i'm supposed to feel. i didn't know him very well, but he sat next to me in my class when we met twice a week. it'll be weird going to that class and not seeing him, knowing he's gone. i don't know what i'm supposed to do nor how i'm supposed to grieve. everything's empty—but i didn't even know him. i'm sorry to weigh this on people, but i don't even know if anyone will read this. i hope that he is in peace now, flying high above and watching over the people he cared so much for.


awe thank you <3 i'm doing better now.. take care of yourself as well


@north_light I'm so sorry for your loss.. I hope you are okay, and taking care of yourself. Stay strong, love <3


Cryptic made it onto @mystery 's "best of mystery/thriller" reading list! I can't stop smiling- thank you so much!


You are very kind~ thank you❤️


I almost cried when I saw m book featured~ congrats on your feature as well! I wish you the best of luck with both of your books ❤️❤️