
Liam, himself confirmed that LARRY
          	IS NOT REAL :")
          	(yeppers, there's a video actually. :P)


Omg...I found you. •-• I freaking love your books and ur bio!! cx I. Love. Them. Especially Orphic. ;-; Beautiful. I like you!! x3 You seem chill and awesome. :D Sorry for creeping you out .–. I'll just go back to...breathing. Yeah...breathing. x.x Byeeeee, happy valentines day!! ♥


Oh that explains it!! XD and i will!! cx ❤


@__ShiningStars__  Yay!! I hope you can do it to me too..btw, this is my second acc. and I'm often using this. ❤ 


Your welcome!! x) And yay! Friends!! XD (Dw my friends were like that until i got them out of their comfort zone. *cue evil laughter* cx) Likewise!! ^.^ ❤