okok so i wanted to talk about something, and ive been wanting to talk about it for a while. i freaked a month ago not just because something happened. let me explain. i have something called BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) which basically means i am overly emotional. if something triggers my sadness, i become suicidal, i self harm etc. if something triggers my happiness, im really goddamn happy, im like yelling happily, smiling like a serial killer etc. and when someone triggers my anger i literally want to murder everyone. so yesterday, my friend got kinda annoyed with me, he basically said he didnt want to talk to me anymore. so that triggered my sadness and my anger. i became extremely depressed and suicidal, i couldnt stop crying, i hurt myself, i screamed at myself, i just couldnt get it out of my head. my notifications for picsart and wattpad made me very annoyed and overwelmed, so since i was at this stage of emotionality, i basically rage quit. i went to sleep crying, and woke up crying, not being able to stop. i eventually facetimed my best friend and we facetimed for about 7 hours overall. but I'm really sorry for being annoying. im really sorry.