
New chapter of Twin Flames out now :) 


Hello there, my dear friends. 
          I have to start by saying I am so sorry I was not active on Wattpad for so long. I've had so much work (job + my PhD studies), and in the last couple of months, I've had so many health problems that I've had to "drop out" of my PhD program, which then made me have a little (big) mental breakdown. I was so sad and disappointed and lacked motivation in everything. So those are the reasons I've been MIA for so long. But, I want to return to my hobbies (I hope it will help my mental health a little). I hope you are still here and still ready for new chapters of my stories. I love you all so much. Thank you for all the comments, votes, and just the fact that you read my stories. I love you. I love you. I love you and hope you are all well, happy and healthy (in the last couple of months, I've realised that health is everything). I love you and be prepared for a new chapter soon. 


I’ve missed you all too. For now I am doing better. Focusing on myself so I won’t burnout again. I love you and thank you ❤️


@ nostylesx  I MISSED YOUUUU, WELCOME BACKKK!! Hope you are doing ok right nowww♡♡


Hey little angel!
          Sorry to bother you, I came to invite you to read my Anakin Skywalker story.
          I hope you like it, thank you for your attention <3



❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you I will chcek it out 


Hi! I just thought of a scenario for your multiverse story! What if your fanon universe characters from Dynasty including Anakin, Obi-wan, and a few others (including Aaliyah also) met the canon universe and one had to help the other return home.


Yay!! I will eagerly await the wonderful story you come up with for this!! 


@Sirenpureblood I looove this idea!!!! I will have to think about a story with this scenario. Thank you, love :)