Oh so funny story, this happened yesterday.
So I convinced my little sister to call me Sherlock and to let me call her Eurus (because I had nothing better to do) and this is the conversation that followed...
Her: "what do you want to do?"
Me: "look up a homicide online and solve it."
Her: "okay, why aren't you?"
Me: "because Mycroft's keeping me off electronics."
Her: "so just ask Minecraft for your electronics."
Me: laughing hysterically "MINECRAFT???"
Her: "yeah, that's what you said."
Me: "no, I said Mycroft. Our BROTHER."
Her: "Oh. Well, can I at least call him Minecraft?"
Me: "no."
Her: "why not?"
Me: "because then you'd be wrong."
And then I remembered that she's 5 years old right now, so if she was Eurus we have a problem...
And also it's an 8 1/2 year difference between us so more like Mycroft and Eurus.
But you know what who cares.