
So, if people are still alive in the inside world of Wattpad, I know I am, but only marginally, I have an announcement.
          	Happy 5th Anniversary to me! I have been on Wattpad for exactly 5 years today. It's a bit of a milestone, in a few weeks will be the fifth anniversary of 'Hunting a Hunter', the first full length novel that I wrote. The girl that introduced me to Wattpad is no longer with us, but I still remember her. If she hadn't introduced me then 'Hunting a Hunter' probably would not have been written, nor would any of the books I have written since.
          	I wrote that book because of an online RPG I used to play with a bunch of friends, thinking to myself 'Hey, playing this game is just like writing a book, maybe I should write a book.' So I wrote a book, but I wrote it for Wattpad, to post online here. And 5 years later here I am, studying a BA in professional writing and publishing, with three self-published works of fiction. Time flies when you're having fun.
          	-Captain Von Delgo out.


So, if people are still alive in the inside world of Wattpad, I know I am, but only marginally, I have an announcement.
          Happy 5th Anniversary to me! I have been on Wattpad for exactly 5 years today. It's a bit of a milestone, in a few weeks will be the fifth anniversary of 'Hunting a Hunter', the first full length novel that I wrote. The girl that introduced me to Wattpad is no longer with us, but I still remember her. If she hadn't introduced me then 'Hunting a Hunter' probably would not have been written, nor would any of the books I have written since.
          I wrote that book because of an online RPG I used to play with a bunch of friends, thinking to myself 'Hey, playing this game is just like writing a book, maybe I should write a book.' So I wrote a book, but I wrote it for Wattpad, to post online here. And 5 years later here I am, studying a BA in professional writing and publishing, with three self-published works of fiction. Time flies when you're having fun.
          -Captain Von Delgo out.


Beginning of rant -It is my honest opinion that the 'Save and Preview' button should be split up. I am truly sick of trying to get out of a chapter of my story but being unable to leave because the damn site is having trouble saving my story. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN SAVED!!! Just get out of the damn page! And is anyone else finding it annoying that every time it makes you preview your story it actually counts that in the read count? -end of rant.


Another update from me? In a matter of minutes? Yeah, I know, it's because this announcement didn't really belong with the other. I've been busy with work and study and so that has hindered my having time to write, but this should change come November. I am once again taking up the mantel to compete in NaNoWriMo to write another novel in 31 days. This will be an entirely new novel, and by entirely new I mean I will not be finishing off an existing novel in my library. I will instead be writing a prequel to my 2013 novel 'Of Lights and Shadows'. It will be about Dastardious Hollow's first case, long before his name change. In fact this may even explain his madness. I will be attempting to write 1,667 words a day on top of my study, and as much as I am able to I will try to update new content once a day. Even if it means ending on a cliffhanger.
          One thing I have noticed is that if you don't write for a while you eventually forget about writing. This has happened to me and it's rather sad, which is why even though I will be bogged down with work and study I am going to force myself to write. Remembering that you have a great story to tell just makes fighting for it easier.


”Until we treat men and women the same socially then we have no way of telling what natural differences there may be between them” (Mill 1869)
          Just a little something I thought was interesting while studying one of the set readings for my course.

          Sorry for the long wait, I've been catching up with other things. Chapter 3 of 'Journey of the Lost' is up! This is the last chapter that I had to change from 1st person to 3rd so from now on out I can just focus on creating new material rather than editing old stuff. I can't wait to carry on writing this story. I've got some great ideas and hopefully my writing abilities will allow me to put down those ideas as I want them to be. I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote or comment if you like it!

          Finally after a very long time, the next chapter of 'Journey of the Lost' is up! I hope you enjoy it, and as always I would love to hear back from you all what you think of it. If you like it, don't forget to vote, if you don't like it then don't feel you have to vote, but please comment whether you do or do not like it. If it's horrible I can't know how to fix it without first knowing there is a problem. Writers rely on feedback.


Because I thought 'Why not?' I entered 'Journey of the Lost' into the Wattys. It's fitting,  I think, because the first time I entered the Wattys was with part 1 and it really encouraged me to complete the book. In fact, because of the time limit I had to complete the book I cut the story in half therefore creating a part two in the first place.

          For you all, a little taste of The Assignment Part 2. It follows directly on from the end of the first part, so if you haven't finished the book then do not read this prologue. I know in the previous book I said a lot of things about how awful the world was and how horrible the people who lived in it were, but I didn't really go into that much. So Part 2 will be delving a lot more into the consequences the Captain has to deal with and the dangers involved.