A/N This one is something I wrote last year after a hard realization. If it doesn't really make sense sorry, but I'll try my best. :) A/N
One of the harshest truths that humans have to face is that, in the end, a vast majority of us will be irrelevant. It won't matter who made of did something great. Only the things they do, and the lives they impact will matter. Whether you physically save someone's life, or give them the courage to go on, those are the best things to be remembered for. All things end when we least want or expect them to. Humans cannot control time, it is too powerful. The same can be said of true emotion. You have no right to control anyone else's emotions, and it is difficult to near impossible to control your own. So to all the people who have impacted my life positively, thank you. Thanks you for helping me forget harsh words and harsh actions. For helping me realize that other people know what I am going through. Helping me remember that people and circumstances can change, but should not change you. Making me smile when the walls around me are crashing down around me. Making me laugh until I cry, or laugh until I stop crying. Thank you for telling me that I am not alone in the universe. Thank you for creating what you create and impacting those who mean most to you. Make things that excite you. Do not destroy yourself or others because acts of harm do not make people better, and will not make you remembered. If you are having a hard time, make something you love. Talk to someone you trust.