
ahhhhhhh…I miss writing so I owe you all an explanation. i was in a shitty relationship up until jan of this year, and it gave me severe writer’s block, and sort of ruined my perception of love. im gonna slowly get back into it though because i miss my characters. please bare with me and I’ll be sure to update those books you all love. mwah  love you all and stay safe!


I miss your stories… they went “there” and never disappoint… I am here for it. Hope all is well 


@not_just_a_dream  Time heals everything. I have had shitty relationships too. To give you an idea my 2nd Partner raped me. I have experienced some bad stuff but now  I'm in peace and happy. I know you can overcome your bad experiences too, the same I did. I enjoy your stories thanks for sharing then with us. Keep it up.


@not_just_a_dream Do take your time. I'm just glad you're back


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ahhhhhhh…I miss writing so I owe you all an explanation. i was in a shitty relationship up until jan of this year, and it gave me severe writer’s block, and sort of ruined my perception of love. im gonna slowly get back into it though because i miss my characters. please bare with me and I’ll be sure to update those books you all love. mwah  love you all and stay safe!


I miss your stories… they went “there” and never disappoint… I am here for it. Hope all is well 


@not_just_a_dream  Time heals everything. I have had shitty relationships too. To give you an idea my 2nd Partner raped me. I have experienced some bad stuff but now  I'm in peace and happy. I know you can overcome your bad experiences too, the same I did. I enjoy your stories thanks for sharing then with us. Keep it up.


@not_just_a_dream Do take your time. I'm just glad you're back


hi beautiful babies! long time no see! I am working on updates this week so there’s that to look forward to! im also on under the same name, and will be working on some new books there as well, so check it out :)


@not_just_a_dream hi there! it's been a while missed ur books 


peeps what story/stories do you want me to update?


Mafia x Ceo. (MxM)


@lanxiao69 @not_just_a_dream I prefer this tooo mafia × big company ceo (MxM)