So, I reread my entire story today, and I know it's mine but I do actually really like it, I read every chapter and took notes the whole time, I have future chapters already planned in my mind and reading it i realized how many unanswered questions there are so I know that writing those answers will be interesting.
It's 3:09 AM as I'm writing this and for those of you that are curious, I have insomnia, I have trouble sleeping and I mostly write at night, hence the grammar mistakes, english is also not my first language.
I got the news today that my school is completely shot down so I'm gonna finish my junior year online which gives me SO MUCH free time, I do have to have some relaxing time tho, and I kinda tend to stress about updating so please don't be harsh on me!
I know that the world right now is such a cruel and bad place, and I hope that all of you guys are safe, sound and healthy! Keep social distancing, wash your hands AND REMEMBER! Every day now might feel the same, but you still have to have days for your mind and soul!
Okay, I think that's it for now, I know this time is kinda lonely, it is for me too so feel free to pm me and we'll talk :)
I have chapter 15 in draft for the longest time now, I'll try to finish it as soon as I can!
Love, E :)