13:41- How is it that I'm off school yet I seem to have even more work than usual? Ughhh sometimes I wish the internet didn't exist. But then again I wouldn't be able to procrastinate as easily.
Reading Lists
13:41- How is it that I'm off school yet I seem to have even more work than usual? Ughhh sometimes I wish the internet didn't exist. But then again I wouldn't be able to procrastinate as easily.
13:41- How is it that I'm off school yet I seem to have even more work than usual? Ughhh sometimes I wish the internet didn't exist. But then again I wouldn't be able to procrastinate as easily.
20:46- 69 followers waheyyyyy
18:02- School's closed, activate homeschooler mode.
@gingerbreadisdead Well I hope you're safe. As long as you're not old or sick, you'll be fine
@lostinnowhereland13 We've got four weeks, even though there's only 20 reported cases in my country. Not sure if that's a good thing or not
15:59- Pleeeease read this. It's really good so far and a great plot too. My friend(s) (I don't actually know how many of them are working on it but I think it's at least two) is/are writing it and they've done a great job. It would mean a lot to me if you read it. Thanks! https://www.wattpad.com/story/214200775
07:57- Getting a cough and sore throat when the coronavirus is going round really is actually cool because I'm pretty sure it's just hayfever but I still get to stay home from school so people won't panic :p
@lostinnowhereland13 give it a few more months and I reckon most schools everywhere will be closed @SarcasticKarrot no dying intended don't worry
09:22- I've had enough with books where there's always a love interest and it's just so stereotypical and annoying. They all follow a bump-into-hot-guy-on-the-streets-and-suddenly-find-truelove sort of plot or go along the lines of "Oh, he abused me for two years and I hate him but he's really hot y'know so I actually love him and he's kind to me because that we're a thing". Like I get that *sometimes* it does make for an interesting plot but does EVERY. SINGLE. BOOK. on Wattpad have to be like that?! Sometimes girls don't need to fall in love with someone. Sometimes boys don't need to be the hot, ripped bad boys everyone makes them. Girls can stand up for themselves. Boys don't have to be molded to suit society. Females can be warriors. Males can be kind gentle marshmallows. Please give me decent book recommendations.
@gingerbreadisdead Thank you so much! I hope you have a nice day or night.
@lostinnowhereland13 Aw, thank you! I think that's one of the first times I've inspired someone. I'd love to read your book!
@SarcasticKarrot yeah I can't imagine either but I get what you mean. And journalism? I need to see that
Thanks so much for your votes on Journey to Joseph! You’ve made my day :D
Thank you so much, again. I really do appreciate it! And so glad you enjoyed the story!
@rhymeswithfry You're welcome! I love how it's based on a true story, and your plot is awesome.
20:05 - Whooo sixty! Thanks guys
16:30- Are there any World Scholar's Cup people out there? If so, how did you go in your regional round?
22:29 - Chapter 11 of After The Undead is nearly up, go check it out on @ShreyaRidhesh's profile. I've written a bit more than I normally do for this chapter, don't forget to hit the vote button! (pretty please) https://www.wattpad.com/story/206982310
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