
“Careful, kitten” Lee Know x reader will be uploaded tomorrow<3


Hi sweeties, I’m going to make a part 2, 3 or 5 of one of the most requested stories. It’s op to you which one I will finish. I got the most requests for the following 4:
          1. Freeze - Bang Chan x Changbin x Reader part 2
          2. Vampires love - Hyunjin x Reader part 3
          3. Chemistry mystery - Bang Chan x Reader part 4
          4. Tell me darling, how sharp is my knife? - Lee Know x Han x Reader part 5.
          Please let me know which one you prefer ❤️


@notacatiguess tell me darling how sharp is me knife *party face emoji*.


I have a request.


oh i'm so sorry  you don't have too.


@despritnes i would love to, but the thing is I have a girlfriend now, so I don’t want to write anything sensual about another person. I still write fluff on another account. But this story isn’t really at the fluff part yet, but I might do it for you. I just need to think of another ending than I originally planned:) and thank you for the compliments! I appreciate it a lot x


@notacatiguess um so read your story Tell me darling How sharp is my knife and I saw you stopped the story,so I was wondering could I continue it?   it looks like you have perfect grammar I would try my best to also have perfect grammar, I would give you full credit and tell them to watch the first parts if they haven't already I just really love the storyline and the story all together and it was sad to see it had stopped so I was wondering if I could continue it on wattpad ? and obviously you can say no.


Hi guys, so I have something to tell you. I've been around here since I said I didn't want to write smut anymore. I actually wrote a whole other one shot book, it's called "stray kids fairytale oneshots" from "Poeticcreature." (It's in my reading list.) So yeah, it felt right to me to start writing on another account and just start over agin. Since I regret writing some of the stories that I've wrote in this book. And a lot of ya all asked me to still write fluff, so I did. Just not on here:) So yeah, definitely check that one out. Love you guys and thanks for all the sweet comments on this account I appreciate it a lot and I missed you guys! Request are still open, on both of my accounts, big hugggg❤️


@notacatiguess No problem hon, and it's okay ❤️


@StayFoeStrays thanks love and I’m sorry♥️


@Raven201miller I’m so sorry, like I actually feel really guilty. If there’s anything I can do for you, please say it 


Damn when was the last time you were online? 31 OF MARCH?! damn I missed you, like A LOT!


@Raven201miller I’m so glad to hear that! I’m good as well:)


I missed you as well! Girl, how are ya doing?


PART TWO OF “PUPPET” COMING OUT TODAY. Buckle up, cause it’s ✨✨✨ a little tease for ya -> “ "… “And now you are going to do EXACTLY as I say. Because if you don't, I will tie you to four ropes and make you my slutty puppet. So that I have control over all your movements, all your thoughts and all your words. Until all you can do is scream my name. Do you understand?"…”


@ notacatiguess  Yesss omg this sounds so good cant wait to read it


Hi ya all, I’m going to take a short break from writing. I write 45 one shots in a few months and now it feels more like a must to me. So I’m gonna take a little break, but definitely get ready for more and even better stories <3


@notacatiguess awww man. I hope you have a great break. Take care of yourself!