
hey guys sorry i haven’t posted anything in a long time. i’m sorry but i have run out of fuel for the mind of an infp, and i think ill be posting a final chapter soon. thank you to everyone who stuck around this long, i really appreciated the journey:) 
          	best wishes, 
          	ava myers 
          	p.s. i plan on publishing a new story, but i can’t tell you exactly when. i’m in my junior year this year so im a little swamped but i plan on writing more fs


hey guys sorry i haven’t posted anything in a long time. i’m sorry but i have run out of fuel for the mind of an infp, and i think ill be posting a final chapter soon. thank you to everyone who stuck around this long, i really appreciated the journey:) 
          best wishes, 
          ava myers 
          p.s. i plan on publishing a new story, but i can’t tell you exactly when. i’m in my junior year this year so im a little swamped but i plan on writing more fs


scroll down ALOT 
          trust me this will put a smile on your face 
          Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep, 
          At least fifteen people in this world love you 
          The only reason someone would ever hate you because they want to be just like you 
          There are at least two people in this world would die for you
          You mean the world to someone 
          Someone that you don’t know exists loves you
          When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good will come out from it 
          When you think the world has it back on you, take a look. 
          Always remember the compliments you’ve received 
          Forget the rude remarks 
          So if you’re a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person who send this to you (aka me)
          Tonight at midnight, your true love will realize they like you 
          Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and 4 o’clock pm, tomorrow 
          It could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock in your life. 
          If you break this chain, you will be cursed will relationship problems for the next years. Send this to fifteen people in fifteen people
          Make somebody else’s day! Help get a smile on someone’s face! Help someone out! m mm remember you are loved 
          F. R. I. E. N. D. S 
          =fight for you 
          =encourage you 
          =need you 
          =deserve you 
          =save you 
          Send this to all your friends and me if I’m one, if you get 4 back u r liked but if u get 7 ur lovely. No. Group.


i’m becoming someone else but it’s wierd because i noticie that it’s happening and it’s overwhelming me. are you supposed to notice that you’re changing?? or is change one of those things you look back on and be like “whoa i’m so different” 
          like i am more social, and i feel like i’m becoming more self absorbed. idk tho. people still can tear my whole world down with a comment and i really feel like i’m falling apart. it’s hard because, am i forgetting who i am? or am i just growing up? why are people so…cold? 
          who am i 


@notarealauthor1066 EXACTLY. I relate SO MUCH. It feels really bad to change, like I’m betraying the person I used to be. I can’t pinpoint what the change is and it’s maddening. To lose sight of who I am as a person is one of my greatest fears. 
            I don’t think you’re forgetting who you are though. I think this requires some serious thought. You need to find out what’s changing you first.


after hours of agonizing what I'm going to name my future kid (you know, as a 14-year-old, you really gotta know these things) and ive decided Deckel. Pronounced Dek-al
          and the cherry on top???? it's gender-neutral, so it doesn't even matter what gender they are, that's my kids name. 
          thank you for coming to my ted talk *bows* 


@sparklyminion4  ofccc and that sounds great honestly 


@notarealauthor1066 lol I thought of this too *laughs* 
            I have a thing for names that start with ‘A’ (no idea why) so I’m thinking of ‘Alan’, ‘Alaire’ (for a girl… Alaire sounds much like a saint-type of name for a boy, if that makes sense), ‘Alexis’


@Eliza_licor785 oh my gosh that never even occurred to me 0-0