Hey everybody! I’m sorry for disappearing and deleting everything without an explanation. BTY is very important to us, and our hearts are beyond full in knowing that so many people are enjoying our story! Having said that, sadly, we’re having a few issues when it comes to BTY. In the beginning we came up with and idea for a story that, we thought, was something original and captivating! Something we told ourselves that our audience would thoroughly enjoy! While that’s partly true, we are very disappointed with where the story was going and the writing overall. We feel that our readers deserve the full potential of what BTY should, and could, have been. Whilst it seems as though we’ve disappeared completely, I promise we’re still here! We’re just figuring things out. So far we’ve agreed on revamping the story entirely, to ensure that it reaches its full potential. BTY will still be the same story overall, but a few things will be different. In conclusion, we’re wanting to give our readers a second chance at experiencing this story in a light of our utmost creativity and originality.
We’re open to any constructive criticism and honest feedback. I would like to apologize again for disappearing, but I hope you understand! I know we’re doing right by not only you guys, but ourselves as well, in making this decision and we hope you’re willing to stick around with us as we eagerly anticipate the release of the new and improved BTY. <333