Heading to Vegas for a week to watch my little ones dance, hopefully they win first place again. I'll try to write while there and get the next chapter up by Tuesday. Tata for now!
Heading to Vegas for a week to watch my little ones dance, hopefully they win first place again. I'll try to write while there and get the next chapter up by Tuesday. Tata for now!
Hey strangers I got a question. How should play Malia and characters in the book? I can't find a single person. Well that's a lie, I'm just really indecisive..... Oh and I'm thinking about changing the name of the story. What should it be????????
Love ya'll and your craziness!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally finished chapter 6! Sorry that took so long.... pressed the wrong button (-_-*) and got caught up with school work. Hope you enjoy the Chapter!!! Ailsa out.