
Hey everyone! 
          	Thank you all for reading my stories. Reading your comments always makes me smile and laugh. I wanted to share with you updates coming for October and get any thoughts/requests 
          	-The Marriage Counselor rewrite. (Not making any drastic changes to the characters or plot. It’s more of an expansion. There’s a lot of typos and plot holes I want to fix lol. It’s going to be longer, it’s going to delve deeper, and we’re going to get more Dr. Henry Good. )
          	-Completing The Assistant. 
          	I want to complete The Assistant as I have a new story I want to work on immediately after. But curious, would anyone be interested in The Step Brother rewrite? Same as with TMC- no major changes but just a chance to spend more time with the characters and plot, fix the plot holes and I KNOW I GET IT ABOUT JACE’S EYE COLOR  
          	What do you think? ❤️ Hope everyone is keeping safe and well! 


@notebook_natasha ooh! Looking forward to it!


@biatsj22 thanks for the response! 
          	  I’m going to be leaving the original story up and posting the new one as a separate story. 
          	  In the new version, I will also be combining the first and second volume and completing the story with a better ending. :) 


@notebook_natasha The Marriage Counselor is a great read! Will you be updating the book currently posted or post a new book with these updates?


Hey Natasha, let me just say you’re one hell of a writer! I usually stay anonymous online but I can’t help but create this message so you know how phenomenal you are! I’ve read so many bestselling books by bestselling authors but nobody compares to you girl! You’re officially my favorite author and you must be protected at all cost! You’re too precious and brilliant and I can’t say that enough! Absurd thought here but If I become a billionaire, I would absolutely create a publishing company just for YOU so you can keep doing what you do best and that is to create masterpieces! I have nothing to my name but if I had  the ability, I would really help you publish books esp the Marriage Counselor and The Assistant!! I feel like the whole world is missing out on such great books just because they don’t know you.  It’s almost heartbreaking how underrated you are given how many times you blew my mind away! You have a gift and I hope you never stop creating and writing beautiful stories. You always create the dreamiest of all male leads and I’m always left with more unrealistic standards for my future partner.  Thank you for taking me on this beautiful experience. Your books deserve to be in a museum or smth. Your writing style is truly one of a kind, a piece of art that needs to be protected and preserved 


@marsrevealed I’m sorry I didn’t see this posted before! 
            Thank you so much for the kind words. It really means more than you know. All I want is to make someone smile with these stories and the characters, and I appreciate you allowing them into your life. 
            I have a new project Im working on that I can’t wait to share with you all. Thanks so much for reading! 


Also tbh, I can’t count how many times I’ve re-read the Marriage Counselor  Out of all the bestselling books I’ve read, none of them warranted a 2nd read, all of them are just a one-time thing, forgettable. But your books are smth I can’t get enough of, smth I wish I could read again like it’s my first time! Your writing is superior, topnotch, and everyone else’s pales in comparison to your work! I hope you believe in your stories, in your characters as much as I do! ❤️ As much as we, your fans, do!


          The Marriage Counsellor, is a wonderful read. It grabs you by the throat and doesn't  let go, hurtling you up and down, round every corner. What's not to love. The dear Dr. is a real heart/panty  throb. Well written and well done.


I’m sorry I missed this. For some reason I wasn’t getting any notification about wall posts.
            Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading! 
            I have a new project I’m releasing shortly that I can’t wait to share with you all. 
            Have a wonderful day and thank you for the kind words! 


I had to take a moment and say that I'm so damn glad that I happened to discover this book! Dr. Goodwin is everything, I swear. 
          Natasha, you've written this book and especially Henry's character so beautifully that I just can't get over it (or, should I say him? xD).
          Thanks for your work, gorgeous!


I apologize for the delay- I wasn’t getting notifications about wall posts and never check here. 
            Thank you so much for allowing space in your life and heart for my stories and characters. Your words mean a lot and I appreciate you reading! 
            I have a new project I will be sharing soon and I can’t wait to share it with you all! 


Hey everyone! 
          Thank you all for reading my stories. Reading your comments always makes me smile and laugh. I wanted to share with you updates coming for October and get any thoughts/requests 
          -The Marriage Counselor rewrite. (Not making any drastic changes to the characters or plot. It’s more of an expansion. There’s a lot of typos and plot holes I want to fix lol. It’s going to be longer, it’s going to delve deeper, and we’re going to get more Dr. Henry Good. )
          -Completing The Assistant. 
          I want to complete The Assistant as I have a new story I want to work on immediately after. But curious, would anyone be interested in The Step Brother rewrite? Same as with TMC- no major changes but just a chance to spend more time with the characters and plot, fix the plot holes and I KNOW I GET IT ABOUT JACE’S EYE COLOR  
          What do you think? ❤️ Hope everyone is keeping safe and well! 


@notebook_natasha ooh! Looking forward to it!


@biatsj22 thanks for the response! 
            I’m going to be leaving the original story up and posting the new one as a separate story. 
            In the new version, I will also be combining the first and second volume and completing the story with a better ending. :) 


@notebook_natasha The Marriage Counselor is a great read! Will you be updating the book currently posted or post a new book with these updates?


Girl it's been a month. Still waiting on updates for TMC. Also I check for the book on Galatea and it's not there. When will you start updating the book?
          P.s love your books ❤


Thank you so much for reading!
            It’s been taken off Galatea as of this weekend and the full first volume is up. 
            As for the second volume, I will admit I’ve hit a bit of a wall when it comes to inspiration for TMC volume 2. I do want to give Samantha and Henry’s story a proper ending by the end of the year, but hopefully sooner! 
            I appreciate your patience as I make sure to get out a story that really resonates. ❤️