Cough cough)) Come to my acc, I am thy other Chan. Author Chan lost their acc info like an idiot. Stop reading the books on here you whore nuggets ((cough cough
@smolhuman_ THIS IS AUTHOR CHAN ON HER OTHER ACC. Yes I'm fine, I lost the info to this acc and have been trying to log back it but it won't let me :')
@simpthat-simpthis@smolhuman_ THIS IS AUTHOR CHAN ON HER OTHER ACC. Yes I'm fine, I lost the info to this acc and have been trying to log back it but it won't let me :')
@Jaxiewolf@smolhuman_ THIS IS AUTHOR CHAN ON HER OTHER ACC. Yes I'm fine, I lost the info to this acc and have been trying to log back it but it won't let me :')
@hi1483@smolhuman_ THIS IS AUTHOR CHAN ON HER OTHER ACC. Yes I'm fine, I lost the info to this acc and have been trying to log back it but it won't let me :') so yes. I am alive (partly)