
I will not be updating my stories anymore, since I am not a larrie anymore. I will not delete them, but just know they will never be finished. I really hope you guys liked them and wanted to thank you all for giving it a little bit of attention. I adore you all, take care x


@notjustlarry aw :( what made you unlarry?


I will not be updating my stories anymore, since I am not a larrie anymore. I will not delete them, but just know they will never be finished. I really hope you guys liked them and wanted to thank you all for giving it a little bit of attention. I adore you all, take care x


@notjustlarry aw :( what made you unlarry?


What is your opinion on Louis' baby? 


 Yeah but what i find weird is that he's been with Briana before,,, But yeah the only thing i care about right now are Harry and Louis. i love you ;)


@notjustlarry Oli is Louis' personal assistant (kind of) he is always around Louis even though I cannot figure out how he is a good person, since he has been a homophobe on twitter, but whatever :) I actually don't care about him. You are welcome love. You've been also very nice to me x thank you as well! 


Woah, that was deep. I really have no opinion over this. Seriously if this baby is real, then so be it. I just think it might be Oli's since he's been here everytime Louis took Freddie out. And thank you for my story, i really appreciate it.. You're so nice <3 