

@dragongrl16 aw thank you! Definitely smoother than last year so that’s a plus :)


Hope the move in goes well. And is hopefully easy


Hey guys! Just letting you know that I did make the tumblr account I was talking about (if you follow along with my fic), and here's the link to it if you guys want to follow! I'll mostly be using it if you guys want to talk and submit asks so you don't always have to go to my message board if you don't want to (which sometimes glitches out for me, idk about anyone else). Feel free to reach out about anything! <333


@70cloudys omg hi! I was wondering where you went, but I didn’t want to pressure you or anything like that. Thank you so much for the heads up, it means a lot that you wanted to reach out even though you don’t have to owe me any explanation . Take your time!! I know how hectic university can be, but it gets better! 
            Thank you again for your message, and also for just sticking around in general 


@notkaywa hey, know this is random but im sure you remember who i am since i commented alot on your story and i know you hv noticed that i havent been reading, i just wanted you to know that i remember your updates, i will definitely read them later on. i have recently got into a new university so I've been very loaded with crazy work but i promise i will read your stories and comment a lot like before and please never stop writing. 
            sincerely, me 


Do you have any tips for new writers, on how to plan out/create the plot for their books and then transfer that onto page. Cause everytime I sit at my computer, with like a jaw dropping idea my mind stops working and it's sooo annoying.


@Pickle_5555 hey! Usually if I’m having trouble putting stuff down onto a page, I kinda just force myself to write down whatever’s on my mind. Most of the time, the problem with me not being able to write is just that I don’t know how to put the perfect words down to describe what’s in my head (idk about you, but I have a bad habit of thinking that the first draft HAS to be perfect, when it really doesn’t). Allowing myself to kinda write whatever despite it being like the most simplistic statement with zero detail or creativity is better than having nothing. Even if you don’t know where to start in the moment, write what you DO know (like that scene that’s stuck in your head or this dialogue that may not even make that much sense) and let yourself come back to it later now that you have a foundation to build off of. If it’s inspiration that’s holding you back, I usually listen to music, watch a movie/show, or take a break to get a snack just to let my mind reset for a bit! 
            A long message, but hopefully some of that works for you!! Good luck on your WIP!! If you have any more questions, I’d be happy to answer 


@notkaywa that's so helpful. Thank you so much. 


Sorry guys, but I’ve been pretty busy over the weekend and haven’t gotten a chance to work on the next update as much. I’ll hopefully be posting it someday this week, but I don’t want to rush it just to stay on schedule and post today :(. I’d prefer knowing it was good and late rather than poorly written and on time. 
          On another note, thank you so much for all the love and support for this fic <3 I read all of your comments and I appreciate all of your thoughts! Love ya :D


@70cloudys thank you!! definitely do NOT plan on ghosting you guys, I’d literally never forgive myself 


@notkaywa its okay take your time please!! will be religiously waiting on the new updates as long as u don't ghost on us hahaha!!


To everyone who reads my Natasha Romanoff fic, I just realized I messed up the numbering on the latest update! So, I fixed it, but just in case you got a notification, I'm letting you know that this was NOT a new update, just me fixing a mistake :))
          Thank you!!