
I’m sorry to inform you guys that at the end of the month I will be taking down all my stories and starting from scratch. I’m still going to write books but I’m done with fan fictions for now. I’m open to them still but right now I want to create my own stories with my own characters that I created from their looks, to their personalities, families, friends, locations, all of that. I know yall loved All Mine, I discontinued the sequel but I will add it to All Mine as the epilogue before I take it down. I want to give yall time to finish reading it, re-read it if you want or save it somehow if you care enough to do that. Just a heads up tho! Thanks for yall support thus far!! I hope yall don’t unfollow but instead enjoy my new stories :)


I’m sorry to inform you guys that at the end of the month I will be taking down all my stories and starting from scratch. I’m still going to write books but I’m done with fan fictions for now. I’m open to them still but right now I want to create my own stories with my own characters that I created from their looks, to their personalities, families, friends, locations, all of that. I know yall loved All Mine, I discontinued the sequel but I will add it to All Mine as the epilogue before I take it down. I want to give yall time to finish reading it, re-read it if you want or save it somehow if you care enough to do that. Just a heads up tho! Thanks for yall support thus far!! I hope yall don’t unfollow but instead enjoy my new stories :)


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My shit is glitching it won’t let me edit my YMS chapter so now I have to update You to keep yall entertained…..


i love YOUUU please update it!!


Yall I promise I’m updating YMS reallllyyyy soon I thought I uploaded it a bit ago but it didn’t post instead it deleted all 7k words :( so I’m trying to make it back up but it’s coming yall I promise 


awww its ok babe take your time a lot of writers dont even have the decency to announce they were quitting or discontinuing their stories but uu communicate and keep us updated while putting out bomb ass chapters even tho it could be draining 