Hi, I doubt anyone will read this, it’s not like I have much of a following. I’d just like to get some things off of my chest and make some brief announcements. To begin with, I started this account when I was 12. I followed a bunch of people because I was obsessed with gaining more followers. As well as getting tonnes of votes on the books I published, rather then writing something I was proud of and genuinely passionate about. So I’m ditching this account. I’m basically going to make another account (still under the username awkward_introduction) where I’ll publish some projects of mine that I actually care about, rather than any old crap. I haven’t been feeling great about my writing lately, I expect it to be perfect on the first draft and won’t let myself enjoy it. Which is not great. I also have this all or nothing complex, where the story has to be excellent or original immediately or I’ll stop writing it. Also, not great. I want to write because I enjoy it, not for reads and votes. If you read all of this big mushy paragraph, then thank you, means a lot. If you’re interested in checking out my new(?) account and giving my stories a go, I’d really appreciate it. I’d love any feedback you can give, I’m always aiming to improve my writing. Thanks x

@notusingawkward_ excuse me, young lady- i AM your actual mother. You're grounded. (Also thank you ^^)

@BinnieJd Oh my lord, people on here are going to think you’re my actual mother XD Also- followed your account with the new one