I was in a garden sitting on the bench, barefoot. The grass was touching my feet. Blue sky looked so deep, like a beautiful ocean. Birds were chirping, like singing a song out of happiness. The smell of the flowers around me reminded me of your sweet scent. It was so peaceful. Then you came and sat beside me holding my hand with your delicate hand. That touch gave me butterfly like it always gives. This is the moment where I lost, when u kissed my cheeks. Your soft lips lingered there like the time have stopped, I'm not blaming though. Your beautiful lips curled into a pretty smile when you looked at me. This is what I crave for always. It's a beautiful rainbow after the rain. You rested your head on my shoulder. We talked for hours, laughed at eachother's funny jokes, yet we were unaware of the time.Your honey like voice is so soothing to my ears. It makes me forget myself, how can I notice the time? Ohh! How I wished that moment to last forever but you were never there, it was just my silly imagination. I laughed at me and a loney tear left from my eyes. Because lips can be good at pretending but eyes never lies.