hi peeps, it’s been a very long time! I wrote the book “Badboy & the Troublemaker”. going to be writing stories on here again! missed wattpad xoxo

I can't read any of your other books?? Why????

@LittleBgirl0 the only books i have published atm are badboy & the troublemaker and its prequel (unknowingly). I'll let you all know if and when i decide to post the others as I'm focusing on the prequel and editing Badboy atm the moment. Thank you for your interest :)

I can't find the prequel ??

@gemini_xoxo_ There's this game called color switch it's somehow entertaining...

guys im bored af, does anyone have any suggestions? lmaoo help a sis out

@gemini_xoxo_ check out the RPG minx on YouTube and watch a few of her videos :3

Anyone got a good suggestions for werewolf books?

Hey r u gonna finish updating unfortunately yours?? I reallllyyy wanna Reread it!!!

Hey I was wondering if you were going to make a sequel to unfortunately yours

@NightshadesPoison i will eventually, I'm writing the prequel rn and then the story and after all of that the sequel would happen

Hi there i have read your book "Unfortunately yours" like at the beginnig of this summer and i really really liked it,it was fantastic and unique and you are a perfect author,so after a few months i wanted to read it all over again and figured that you took it out for rewriting, i was wondering of you're ever gonna update it again...and if you are then when are you going to??Cause i'm dying to read it again:D i would really appreciate it if you reply:)

@_Mandana_ sorryyy for the late reply but yea so I've just uploaded the original version, the new version will just be posted separately, so just stay tuned for that :)