
@gleek1596 You are very welcome. I like the way you write! =)


@Worth_A_Millions Lol. Yeah, that wasn't exactly why I read so many Bet stories. Lol. I DID find several good ones from the genre after reading so many though. =D I try to be I do other things while I wait for the authors to update. I don't mind much though. So it's cool. =) And I'm sure everyone gets lazy once in a while. ;) So you're not alone. =)


@nounie Yeah, I kinda thought that you probs read an amazing book from that genre and from then on you decided to only read books from them sections.. Lool :o) It does get annoying waiting for an update but if the writer you are waiting for is genuinely trying to make a good chappie, no problem but people like me are just lazy :o) 


@Worth_A_Millions Lol. Yeah...I don't know why but some days I feel like reading stories about bets and then other days, best friends, and so on. Haha. And so just recently, I was into the "love starting from making a bet" and such. Haha. And so I looked for those kinds of stories. Hehe. Plus...I try to read other stories while waiting for the ones I really wanna read to update. =P