
A new chapter of Losing will be going up tonight! This chapter is 3000+ words. I hope it makes up for the lack of updates. Really sorry, school is a pain! Thank you for continuing to support my story, I never pictured it reaching 1K views. You're all incredible!!!


A new chapter of Losing will be going up tonight! This chapter is 3000+ words. I hope it makes up for the lack of updates. Really sorry, school is a pain! Thank you for continuing to support my story, I never pictured it reaching 1K views. You're all incredible!!!


Incredibly sorry about the lack of updates, I've been stacked with schoolwork and have had no motivation to write as of late. A new chapter should be on the way, however! Thank you for all your continued patience and support!!


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Really sorry for not posting today, I've been going through some shit and haven't had the motivation to write. I hope you can understand. A new chapter will be up later on this week. Thank you for continuing to show all your support, it means the world to me! Sorry again, have a great rest of your day everyone.