I just started reading the new love and i dont know how its gonna end up cause in up too the 3 chapter but us laine going to be involved in it? And is there a chance theyll get back together?
hi!! it's me pralex i've made my new account because i forgot my password in my account named pralex so I couldn't open it hysshhhh I missed my my name praex >_< but i'm not that person now
@Pralex personally, I would still keep him as a friend so he's still a part of my life and I didn't completely loose him. I understand where the disappointment comes from but sometimes it has to happen.
just like you've thought your crush likes u but he definitely likes the other girl that would be very dissappointing coz u waste your time thinking of him that you cannot concentrate on the other more important things you've lost your honor as a top natcher what would u do??