an open letter to my sadder self (or to anyone that needs it):
you're okay again. you will be okay again. you're sad and upset and everything is out of your control. that's okay. forgive yourself. feel everything. you think nobody cares. so what? even if nobody cares about you (which isn't true, so many people care about you), I care about you. you need to take care of yourself. no one else needs to do that for you or control you. don't convince yourself that you're weak or unimportant. don't wish that you were dead. you're alive, so alive. it's beautiful. take time and do things that make you happy. watch magic unfold. do everything that makes you feel alive. you won't be in the dark for long, I promise. you always make it out, because you are so strong. I know you can do it again.
I'm here for you.
okay jayden