
Boa noite!


Merry Christmas.
          A Etimologia de "Natal": Vem do latim nativitas ou natalis que significa: nascimento. Geralmente festas cristãs são comemoradas próximas ou no dia em que antigamente era festejado festas pagãs. Havia uma festa chamada Saturnalia que se comemorava no final do ano que era constituído de um grande banquete junto com troca de presentes. Muitos cristãos consideram o Natal uma festa pagã que idolatra Noel. 
          Noel: Significa “Natal”. Tem origem no francês antigo Nouel, Noël, que significa “Natal”, que, no entanto é uma abreviação do latim Christi natalis dies, que quer dizer “dia do nascimento de Cristo” 


Damn it! I feel like I'm always doing something wrong! I have to stop feeling this, if I don't blame someone I always blame myself or things I'm doing and now I'm literally blaming my fanfiction *emojis of a tired face* but tired BC of being concerned ABT stupid things 


Er... just want to say, @MaviVick, I changed my account (it used to be MyGeorgieWeaselbee) because... well, I don’t really have a huge crush on Georgie anymore  And I just wanted to let you know incase your like, “who is this person and why am I following them?” I’m also saying this because I noticed that you haven’t been active on my stories (I don’t want to come off as rude, just letting you know)


It’s okay  I’m sorry if I was acting selfish or rude 


@DrayIsMineNotYours hey! It's okay :))) we have platonic passions that suddenly die, I don't have a big crush on him too, but I like to think about having a talk with fictional characters. Lmao I'd never be confused by it!! And I'm sorry, I don't have too much time to read somes :( 


Okay, it's me... Is it only me? I hate when I'm reading and fanfic and the main character is like: I bit my lips as he entered deeper inside of me, I bit them until they started bleeding.
          W T F LIKE W T F WHY???? No pls, it's so cringe biting lips until it bleeds, no sense.


@MaviVick pls i completely get you. I'm like so yall are drinking each others blood from the lips now. Its weird-