
Sorry for disappearing ....again. Some things came up in life that I had to address some happy others not so much. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but I'm not sure I'll be updating regularly like I'd like to be. Thank you all so much for your support and reads! Some new stories are on their way as well as new chapters for some fan favorites. Thank you again guys <3


WHY IS YOUR WRITING SO GOOD TELL ME UR SECRET!! I hope you will be back soon, I really love your writing, it's hard to find some good written fanfiction on here. Thank you so much!


@ tungstencarbide203  thank you, excited already ^^


@tungstencarbide203 Awe thanks hun <3 that really made my day to be honest. I'm hoping to get some stuff updating within the week.


Sorry for disappearing ....again. Some things came up in life that I had to address some happy others not so much. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but I'm not sure I'll be updating regularly like I'd like to be. Thank you all so much for your support and reads! Some new stories are on their way as well as new chapters for some fan favorites. Thank you again guys <3