
Hello everyone! Haven't been on in a while, how have you all been?? I have just been working on my YouTube channel recently  and been on skype/games often now :). Also working on a fanfiction that is based off of some of my friends from the Console Crusaders on YouTube. I'm glad to be back to Wattpad though! What is new with all of you? Let me know <3


Hello everyone! Haven't been on in a while, how have you all been?? I have just been working on my YouTube channel recently  and been on skype/games often now :). Also working on a fanfiction that is based off of some of my friends from the Console Crusaders on YouTube. I'm glad to be back to Wattpad though! What is new with all of you? Let me know <3


Hey Lailanators! I hope you guys are enjoying my books! So, for "The Hilarity of Jokes", I was wondering if you could go to the external link on that book? There, you will find a strawpoll asking if you would like "The Hilarity of Jokes" to become A SEQUEL!!!!!! *squeeeeee!*. Please go vote and be honest! Get yo read on ;)! 'Cause I am about to throw some at ya!