hai! ada yg tengah mencari story bru untuk d baca ke? >_< boleh la try bc ni. insyaa Allah, ad byk pengajaran yg akn awk dpt andai awk bca dgn fikiran yg terbuka! ฅ'ω'ฅ
luth mahfuz, mungkin cerita ny sdkit memeningkan tp awk fhm jgk ap yg ingin author @samperitmilo ni cuba tuk smpai kn. (⌒o⌒)
hello darling! mind to follow me back? thank you ind advance
if you have a free time, you can check out my new book “Empress’ Throne”. It would be great if you want to give any comments or pss pss ‘vote’ hehehe xoxo!
@Awiefyeiz hai, -^_^- sorry, just for a while. maaf la ya ^^ sj unpub sbb segan bt awk sbgai pembaca menunggu next bab, hshs -^_^- nnti sy pub blik skli dgn bab 40, hehe