Something happened. My master recently asked me to stay off of here, and of course, I did what He asked, but He continued to see the notifications I was getting and not opening. He found out about my nudes contest and asked me to write this. I'm sorry to say I will be leaving Wattpad for good and will no longer be writing anymore, even my other accounts have lame excuses for shutting down, but at least I wont be deleting the accounts or removing anything. @kit-kat-a-rang and @pure-wonderment btw. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this against my will. I am doing this because I love Him very much and will do whatever He asks of me. We talked about it and decided I was ready for the next step in our relationship as I have just celebrated a pretty big birthday. Moving in as His 24/7. I would have loved to write about that like I used to on Reddit, but this is officially goodbye. I guess I'll see you in hell one day. Unless you follow my church instructions. But those are really just there to scare the kids.