
I love rereading the fanfics I wrote when I was young. It really makes me think “wow, you don’t believe in proofreading do you?” 
          	It’s a surprise every time I reread 


I honestly think that Little Annotations is one of the best books I’ve ever read in here, and even as its own creation separate from being a fanfic. I was looking for a book that would take me out of my own problems and it seems to have done just that, I’m going not only through a problematic moment in my academics but also with my formerly non existent love life. This book has made me feel deja vu is so many parts but also has been my reality check for what I should put up with and what I should not. So I guess this is my overly elaborate way of thanking you as the author of such an amazingly and well-written piece. 


Hi!! Thank you so so much for this, I appreciate this sm  I wish you the absolute best 


I’ve started writing a Tristan fic, considering I haven’t found a good one since I’ve read urs, and I was wondering if I could have any tips on the plot ( or ways I could change the plot) or the writing?


Heyy! Thank you! I wrote this when I was really young so I can’t remember exactly everything I did. 
            For plot, I developed the character(s) I planned on adding first. I knew I wanted to add my own character, so I created Genevieve and her friend group. After creating them, I asked myself how they would impact the current plot line, and the conflicts developed themselves! Don’t be afraid to change what people are familiar with, that’s what keeps people hooked. 
            What helped my writing process was that I wrote multiple chapters (I was always at least 3 chapters ahead for Little Annotations) before releasing them, which gave me comfort knowing that I could go back and edit any small detail before publishing.


Omg! 700,000 reads! I never expected Little Annotations to exceed 70 reads. This is such a cool experience to share with you all. Thank you sm ☺️


well deserved<33 such a good, thought out and well written story, can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us!! 


@nvrlnd0 it’s genuinely amazing! i’m obsessed with it and have read it over and over again it’s one of my favorites!


Little annotations is definitely onw of the best stories I've read on this platform. Genuinely had me feeling all kinds of emotion and I love how it gets revealed to be Genevieve's perspective at the end. I think I voted on almost every chapter because of how good they were. Going to read the bonus chapters now!! 


This is so sweet 