
Haii, kamu Youn1t kan? 
          Kebetulan nih, aku ada cerita yang visualnya mereka lho! 
          Di baca yuk, di jamin bakalan ketawa tiwi, emosi, sedih dan happy pas baca cerita ini
          Yuk langsung mampir

          Di tunggu kehadiran mu ya, semoga suka! ♡


 HEWO  :3
          Thanks for following back/following me!!!
          Please read and vote all of my stories!!
          And if you like, please comment too!♡
          If you do, I will return the favor and do the things you did for me.
          If you are up to those 18+ /21+ stories... I will have a book filled with 'it'    ',:3
          So hope you come and read it!!♡♡
          Thank you again!! BORAHAEE♡♡