"Chapter something idk
I fluffed my hair, staring at the drink in my hands. Sweaty bodies swayed from side to side, chit chat b..." http://wattpad.com/story/1660235
"As the music began I had a sudden sense of déjà vu. I hadn’t even thought about it before. I shook my head and turned around, be..." http://wattpad.com/story/858997
""Talk to you later, ya cunt- I mean- idiot." Niall have his mom a shaky smile but Maura just snorted into laughter.
"You're im..." http://wattpad.com/story/1617920
""Just do it for like 5 seconds." I pleaded.
"Ha ha! 5 Seconds, and 5 seconds of summer, you know like-- ok wow, I'm weird." S..." http://wattpad.com/story/4846351